Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Chefs in Art

Last week the Sunday Art Review was on hiatus due to my rather hectic schedule of late. However, it returns today with a fresh new topic. Last night was a culinary feast at home. We made the most fantastic dinner of wild caught salmon , pan seared prepared with a sauce of basil, cream, scallions and white white. It was served on a bed of sauteed spinach and fresh asparagus, so it was healthy too. This culinary fare served as inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Chefs in Art. I hope you enjoy these pieces. The first one above left is an hommage to the great Julia Child. Marvelous, isn't it?

above: Chef with Wine and Bread

above: Chef with Turkey

above: Chef tossing pizza with dog watching, by Dena Marie

above: Chefs, by Susan Jenkins

above: Chefs at Grill, by Nina

above: Chef in Vineyard, unknown

above: Buitoni Chef, unknown

above: Chef at Work, by Sue Lynn Cotton
I hope you enjoyed this week's Sunday Art Review: Chefs in Art. Which one did you like best?
-Rick Rockhill

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