Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Palm Springs Fourth of July

I would guess that the Fourth of July probably ranks up there as one of the top holidays for most Americans. I have fond memories of Independence Day, back from my childhood and right up until today. This year we spend most of the day relaxing at home. It was a hot sunny day here in the desert, somewhere around 108 degrees, with about 16% humidity, so fairly dry. In the evening we went to a friend's house for a desert BBQ. I say desert BBQ because there was no way we were all going to sit outside in the 108 degree heat and hang around by the grill. So we grilled outside and ate indoors!

above: Plenty of traditional July 4th fare: cheeseburgers, potato salad, green bean casserole, and a fresh green salad with strawberries and blueberries. Mmmm!

above: check out this cake with the stars on it. One word: WOW.

above: Dessert was plated out- the chocolate cake was amazing, served with vanilla ice cream and a sugar star cookie. I ate way too much but thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
above: Palm Canyon Drive in downtown Palm Springs was adorned with festive banners. Click on the pictures to biggify them.

The desert evening sky in Palm Springs was ideal for a fireworks show. It turned out to be a great day filled with more fond memories. How was your Independence Day?
-Rick Rockhill

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