Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What A Difference A Few Weeks Makes

Back on May 25th I posted a photo one of the agave plants in my yard. It was in that phase of life where it started to flower and sprouted one of those tall thick asparagus-like spears. It seems to grow up in the span of a week or so, So I snapped a photo. Then this week I noted it had grown taller but also sprouted flowers. The photo here at the top left is the most current state, and below is the photo I posted on May 25th. Pretty cool huh? It's just another one of the things I enjoy about living in a desert climate. Things do strange things at times! Well that's all for now. Right now I'm just spoilin' for the holiday weekend!

above: this is the photo I posted on May 25th when I last wrote about this.

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