Monday, July 20, 2009

The Adventures of Sheldon: Swimming Lessons

Being a Standard Poodle, Sheldon Gryffindor Rockhill is supposed to enjoy water. Or so I thought. In truth he is less than thrilled to be in the pool, but I like to take him for a swim every so often, and more importantly to let him learn where the steps are and how to get himself out of the pool on his own. He is rarely outside alone very long, but I'd still rather he know what do do, should he ever fall in while we're not looking. Since I'd been traveling so much lately I made sure to spend a lot of time with Sheldon this weekend, playing, talking to him and generally keeping him company. Even though John was home while I've been away on business, he gets out of sorts when one of us is not around. He senses the imbalance in the family and gets a bit skittish. So a dip in the pool seemed like a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon together. After all, it was 110 degrees and HOT!

above: As we waded into the shallow end of the pool together I held Sheldon. He was enjoying the cooler water temperature after having been sitting in the hot sun for awhile watching me swim.

above: I set him in the right direction to swim and gave him a few words of encouragement...
above: ...And away he went....doing the "Poodle Paddle" as I call it.

above: Upon completing his swim lessons, Sheldon pauses poolside, laughing from all the fun. He was a big wet skinny doggie and very pleased with himself. He knew he needed to dry off before going back into the house so he ran the length of the house back and forth for a half hour, watching me continue to swim my laps in the pool. I called out to him a few times, inviting him back into the pool. He was tempted, but thought better of it and decided he was done with his swimming adventure for the day.
-Rick Rockhill

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