Friday, June 19, 2009

Philatelic Friday: Stamps From China

Another week draws to a close, and once again it is time for a new edition of my Philatelic Friday series. This week I'm featuring Stamps from China. It seemed like a good follow up to the last Sunday Art Review: Chinese Sampler. I've always liked Chinese dragons, and was delighted to find a stamp adorned with a festive dragon. It is the perfect stamp to open today's Philatelic Friday post on Stamps from China. Being a casual student of philately, I enjoy collecting and comparing postage stamps from various countries around the world. Some of the Chinese stamps are quite colorful and decorative, as one would expect. The following stamps represent a good variety of styles and designs. Enjoy~

above: Chinese New Year, Year of the Pig

above: Leaning Bonsai

above: this house and boat are so colorful

above: another Bonsai

above: I suspect this is a Bustard, but feel free to correct me...

above: this one is actually from the USA, featuring Chinese lanterns for the new year.
Thanks for stopping by today's Philatelic Friday. Have a great weekend!
-Rick Rockhill

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