Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Saturday Seven: Things That Frustrate Me

I've been writing a weekly Saturday Seven post for a few years now, and never tire of creating these lists of random topics with a common theme each week. What's more is the number of e-mails I receive about this column feature. It serves as an inspiration to maintain this popular feature. Even the Google Analytics reports indicate that this feature receives a lot of hits and has subscribers to the topic. And so onto this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Things That Frustrate Me. I sincerely hope some of you will weigh in with things that frustrate you from everyday life. Here are my top 7:
#1 Stepping in Gum

#2 Delayed Flights. I travel a lot. Waiting in the airport or worse- being stuck on the plane and having ti sit on the tarmac.

#3 Flat Tires- A starship can have its hull blown apart and a force-field immediately kicks in so the ship can still fly. Can't we develop that same technology for a simple tire??

#4 Waiting in Long Lines- especially at the Post Office with a heavy package

#5 Broken Eggs.

#6 Broken Shoelaces
- of course it never happens when you have plenty of time to spare.

#7 Empty Tube of Toothpaste- For some reason this drives me crazy. You spent the last few days being very pleased with yourself on being able to still get more out of the tube. Then suddenly one day there just isn't anymore to give. Then I get frustrated.
What little annoyances of life frustrate you? C'mon, leave a comment and let's spice this up!
-Rick Rockhill

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