Is it me, or is this year flying by? People have always said "As you get older, time goes by even more quickly". Sheesh, sure seems true to me anyway. Somehow it is already Father's Day. Yikes the year is half over already. For this week's Sunday Art Review, naturally the topic is Father's Day Art. My birth father is long deceased, but always with me. My step father has been a friend and a father too. So today's post is for both of them. To all the fathers out there, young and old, living and deceased, let us remember their contributions to our development. I thought I'd start off featuring a fun retro 50's era father's day card, which reads: Happy Father's Day to my Dapper Dad. I just love that, dapper dad part. No one talks like that anymore-except me anyway. But what do I know, I still wear ascots for gosh sakes. I hope you enjoy today's Sunday Art Review: Father's Day Artabove: "Father's Love" by Lindsay Dawson
above: "Sashi and Father", by Sashi
above: Fatherhood, Keith Haring

above: Father and Son, by Peter Forst
above: Father and Children sculpture, artist unknown
I hope you enjoyed today's Sunday Art Review: Fathers Day Art. Now that I am done with this I can go feed my four-legged furry kids.
-Rick Rockhill
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