Monday, June 8, 2009

Relax [ri-laks] def: to reduce or stop work, effort, application, etc., esp. for the sake of rest or recreation

I think it was it John Lennon who said "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans". Regardless of what point you are at in life, working or not- it is important to stop every so often. Pause and reflect on what matters to you (or what should). As I've written numerous times on this blog, I am grateful to have learned an important lesson early in my own life. Time seems to pass much too slips away without notice. I decided long ago to try to take time to pause and appreciate life. Sometimes it is just stopping to appreciate a sunset, smell a flower or enjoy a favorite song. People at work who know me might question that. I'm often in quite early and leave late, so yes I do work a lot. But I do take time to relax. In case you have forgotten, I looked up the definition of the word RELAX. There were multiple definitions listed:
Re-lax [ri-laks]
* to become less tense, rigid, or firm.
* to become less strict or severe; grow milder.
* to reduce or stop work, effort, application, etc., esp. for the sake of rest or recreation.
* to release oneself from inhibition, worry, tension, etc. and finally:

*to release or bring relief from the effects of tension, anxiety, etc.

This past weekend I did just that- I relaxed. And wow it felt great. I hope you remember to do the same. Have a great day!
-Rick Rockhill

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