Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Adventures of Sheldon & Duncan: Time to be Neutered

The time finally arrived. Young Duncan Diggory went to the vet for a procedure. We waited much longer than we did for Sheldon, to see how big he would get. Turns out, Duncan is bit longer and taller than Mr Sheldon but he is skinny as a rail, so in all just five pounds heavier. The Adventures of Sheldon & Duncan continue, as it was Time to be Neutered. Considering the procedure, Duncan handled himself rather well. He came home all groggy and woozy, wearing the e-collar cone on his head, to prevent him from licking the stitches. Oddly enough, Mr Sheldon was initially spooked by his brother's cone. Quite characteristically, Sheldon growled at Duncan when he approached, and would run away. Sometimes Sheldon would stand around the corner and watch nervously to see if Duncan was in the area. To show Sheldon it was still just his brother, I removed the cone for a few hours so he could "see" that it was OK and that Duncan hadn't turned into some kind of scary monster. Fortunately that seemed to do the trick, and soon they were back to their normal playful poodle selves. Before I went to work this morning, the boys sat in the kitchen, politely asking for a treat. They seemed to deserve a Tillman Treat, don't you think? Well, I thought so anyway.

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