Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Karl Lagerfeld, Das Auto?

At the end of 2010 Volkswagen released this highly amusing commercial featuring Karl Lagerfeld. Spot on, if you ask me. I can safely say I would not switch the station when seeing Karl in a television ad. But there is something that really caught my attention. How much did VW had to pay him in order to tell such obvious lies? I mean, he’s saying something like: I can already see them in Mayland, Barcelona and of course in Paris. In Paris everybody will love it… and so one. I can rather imagine seeing them in my home town or somewhere in the middle of nowhere but Paris?! I drive a VW Beetle myself, and it’s an absolute wonderful car that drives as easy as a go-cart. I even believe every family will own a Volkswagen at a certain point in time. I don't have any comments towards Volkswagen, but the fact that a Parisian inhabitant would go crazy on a Volkswagen Golf is highly unlikely. I believe it’s for the best they’re limited to German sales.

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