Friday, March 18, 2011

Pilot Episode.

This feels like writing a pilot-episode for a brand new English comedy show, and as in every new show the story line and characters are not yet defined. Being a consequent blog-reader for quite some years now, having many thoughts and opinions on the endless amount of internet coverage without being able to share them, I felt the time had come to try to write something of my own. A good friend said to me: “If you’re taking so much time reading blogs, why don’t you just write one of your own?” I am still not sure what it is going to be about and how it is going to turn out but I don't wish to label the concept of my blog solemnly because I do not believe in defining. Grasping my idea in ten words or embracing all the characteristics of a subject in a single sentence is impossible. I can only vaguely say that it is going to consist of places, faces, people, concepts, musings, flavours, emotions, quotes, happy times and much more. I do not proclaim universal truths, these writings are purely personal and mostly subjective. They might be emotionally coloured depending on the topic and my own daily state of mind.  

This blog will mainly cover fashion. I will try to mix it with comedy, general culture, the automobile industry, and some music. These are all things that go through my mind on a daily basis and can even keep me awake during the night. I’m aware of the fact that I can’t focus too much on all the blogs by people who have made it their business of writing on the internet. These blogs are a part of their job. For I am a full time law student, my focus has to be on my education. I do not have the knowledge and the time to be writing the same founded opinions about my personal interests. This remark is also a clarification to everybody who’s going to read my blog. I’m starting very small and I will keep big ideas, expectations and overanalysing to myself. I want to keep it simple and hopefully this will translate in everything that is going to be written on this page. I want my blog to be fun, light, spontaneous, just an easy way of filtering some of my reflections.

Furthermore I have to say that this blog is written by me, but it is not going to be about my life or myself in particular. Obviously it will feature some of my daily encounters through personal pictures so this will make my readers able to identify with me (For I can imagine people would like to know who’s writings they are reading), but I will keep them limited. As brilliantly stated in an episode of absolutely fabulous; “it’s bad enough having to read all the crap that’s written, without having to look at the photo of the bastard who wrote it.” Nevertheless, I follow some blogs by people who have made great personal websites. As Anna Dello Russo would say; “it’s not about me or my face, it’s about the fashion.” 

My name is Rutger, Belgian, Law student, dreamer, idealist, romantic, with an endless fantasy, in search of the beautiful things in life, never too mature for laughter and craziness, and hopefully a lot more…

(PS: Some of my posts might already be a bit dated, because I did a one month test-version of this blog before trying the real thing. (Just to see if I would be able to maintain it.) During this period I wrote quite a few entries, so if some messages don't feel very spontaneous and not totally “in the moment”, well here’s your answer.)

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