Monday, May 23, 2011

Stefano and Domenico hate it when we are late!

Initially I opened up my blog with the idea to make it into a combination of fashion, cars, comedy (mostly English) and also some music. The first three months turned out to be all about fashion. At this point, bearing in mind that the fashion business isn’t really revealing anything new (at least at the moment, even the resort collections aren’t shown on the internet) and in the context of me being extremely busy, it would be easier for me to push my upcoming entries a little more into the direction of my other interests. It’s just more convenient. I would really like to share with you some recent fashion related interviews, but it’s practically impossible to summarize a bunch of ten page interviews after working all day. Therefore, instead, I’m giving you a video clip that I just discovered this morning. It’s a collaboration between Raffaella Carrà and Bob Sinclar and it’s based on “a far l'amore comincia tu”. I find the song really amusing and the clip has a great ambiance. It gives me a summery feeling and it reminds me of Italy (which is obvious since the location is Milano and there’s a lot of Italian conversation going on.). Might I take this opportunity to say again how much I like spending time in Italy, even after all these years, I still adore going on holiday there!  Besides giving me this Bella Italia feeling I also love the fact that it gives me something to look forward to when the examinations will be over and the summer holiday will start. Some people have already promised me some parties (I hope the people I have in mind are reading this and are very aware of the fact that I’m talking about them), so I hope they will be able to throw an equally, how shall I call it, exotic party as the one pictured in this clip (besides, dressing up for parties is so fun). Hopefully everybody will feel equally in the holiday mood after seeing this video.

Extra: If you would be interested, this is a recent short interview with Pierre Bergé called “Saint Laurent’s other half” by the NY times:

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