Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Saturday Seven: Visual Metaphors for Being Down

Lately I've been hearing more and more sad stories than usual from people I know. Various friends, acquaintances and former co-workers from years past have contacted me who have hit tough times, either emotionally or financially. Lost pets, lost jobs, closed businesses, divorce, money trouble, or just on the brink of something or other. It's a tough world out there, and it's never easy to deal with bad things in life when they hit. But it is a true test of our character and fortitude how we handle the low points as much as the high points. The only things I know about life is that it is too short and unpredictable. That's why I believe it is so important to cherish every moment, pause to appreciate the blessings we have, and focus on what matters most. That being said, when tough times do befall, it is equally important to allow oneself the process to grieve, express the dark emotions and just let it out. I tend to express myself in visual imagery, and chose this as the topic for another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Visual Metaphors for Being Down. I should reassure you that this post has nothing to do with me, all is well in my life fortunately. I am merely dedicating this post to those folks out there who are struggling in some fashion. I hope these visual metaphors capture the feeling...
#1 Old Worn Out Shoes

#2 Broken Bottle

#3 Broken Egg

#4 Mangled Bicycle

#5 Shattered Window

#6 Decimated Forest

#7 Empty Room

Remember, behind every cloud is that silver lining...and eventually a bright new sunrise.
Tomorrow is a new day...and a new beginning. If you are someone going through a rough time, I hope these images are cathartic for you. If you know someone going through a tough time right now, just be there for them and listen. Let them express their feelings, and then when the time is right, lift them up with all your might.
-Rick Rockhill

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