Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Daylight Savings Time

As Daylight Savings Time in America arrived for yet another year, I rejoiced in the notion of longer days, or it still being light out when I get home from work. What can I say, I like sunshine and light. Although last night I confused myself because before I went to sleep I moved the time forward on my Blackberry, and then when I woke up I forgot what I had done. Anyway, Daylight Savings Time was the inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review. This photo above left if called "Chicago Time Swirl", photographer unknown. Enjoy these images, loosely tied to time

above: "Time-travels-fast" by Faizan Qureshi.

above: "Time Change" by Ginsburg

above: "Sunset in LaJolla", by Scott Reither

above: "Very Advanced Daylight Savings Time" by Norman Brooke
Well that's all for this week's Sunday Art Review, which one do you like best?
-Rick Rockhill

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