Saturday, April 16, 2011

Coca Cola! Coco Rocha! Coco Cola?

I haven’t been able to post the last couple of days because I’ve been rather ill. Possibly a bacterial infection. I felt pains like I have never experienced in my entire life. At the moment I’m taking a cocktail of medication that seems to be working, but I’m still feeling very woozy (caused by dehydration from eating nothing the last 3 days and drinking practically zero). So I’m just going to post some pictures, without writing too much about them because just looking at the computer screen I’m beginning to feel rather faint again. But from the moment I’m feeling a 100% again I’ll definitely compensate by posting a lot more, because I certainly have a lot of fashion material and inspiration that I would like to share. But for now, these are the photos taken by Karl Lagerfeld featuring Coco Rocha, Heidi Mount and Jeneil Williams for his specially designed Diet Coke bottles. Strangely there is no Baptiste showing but probably he doesn’t fit the “Love-it-light-girls” theme, or maybe they’re just keeping him as a “we’ll keep the best for last promo”…

If you want to see some behind the scene photo's:

All pictures via

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