Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Life is What Happens

An old friend recently asked me about maintaining this blog. "How do you have time to take all these photos, write things and post when you travel, commute and work all day?" he asked. I replied rather directly, "How could I NOT?" He seemed puzzled at my response. What he didn't understand is that this blog is written primarily for myself. It is true that a few folks check in and follow along, but primarily this has long been a creative outlet for me. It is also somewhat of a personal log for my old age, and my nieces too. 

Its the same as my massive postcard collection. I send myself postcards from nearly everywhere I travel. Its a little gift to myself when I am old and lost my memory. I want to be able to look back at all the places I've been, people I've met or things I've encountered and re-live them when I am 80, 90 or 100 perhaps. So why wouldn't I find time to blog? It is a gift I can give to myself.

"But how..." my old friend asked- " do you take so many photos and post it all? It looks like you are constantly on vacation, you are so lucky", he asked. I replied: "Ah, yes indeed I am very lucky. I learned a lesson very early in life to take time every day to appreciate what life presents. I take photos everywhere. Smell flowers, appreciate a sunset, or take a moment to enjoy a piece of history I may encounter." My friend still seemed puzzled at the response. I reminded him of that great quote from John Lennon: 'Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans'. And finally, he understood.  Yes, Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans. So stop, appreciate every moment. Whether you are sitting at home, driving to work, traveling on business, or watching a softball game with the kids. Stop to enjoy it. I know I will. Some of it even makes it to this blog. For me, it works. I just wonder if when I'm 90+ if I'll even recognize the man in these photos.

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