Friday, April 1, 2011

Rick's Roadshow: Taipei, Taiwan

Rick's Roadshow continues from beautiful Taipei, in the Republic of China, more commonly known as Taiwan. My business colleagues have extended warm hospitality to me once again, for which I am grateful. We have squeezed in some sight-seeing around the work portions of my visit. Here I am seated on the base of a huge Chinese lion. The weather has been very nice- my short-sleeve Natural Balance shirt was ideal for the pleasant temperatures that day.

I was delighted when my colleagues brought me to the National Palace Museum, which houses an outstanding collection of Asian art, including bronze, textiles, writings, and religious art. I found it to be among some of the finest museums I have visited in my world travels, and highly recommend it to any student of world history. Of course, you cannot take photos from inside the museum, so take my word for it. Here are a range of photos from in and around Taipei. As I mentioned yesterday my time is limited so I apologize in advance for not posting my commentary with each photo, so please enjoy the photo show.

Taiwan founder Sun Yat Sen

Yang Min National Park

view from high up Yang Min Mountain

more flowers in bloom!

fields of calla lilies in bloom on Yang Min Mountain

'Top' restaurant on Yang Min Mountain

an ideal setting for dinner

great mood lighting overlooking Taipei

elegant private dining rooms, nestled in the mountainside

fresh sliced fruit- looks delicious doesn't it?

I love Buddhist Temples

the temple roof details are magnificent

I had some time to pray at the Temple too!

look closely, its a huge dragon spouting water

Night Market in Taipei- they serve snake there! blech

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