Monday, April 18, 2011

Meditate Today

If you don't already practice meditation, today is an excellent day to start. It isn't difficult, and anyone can begin. You can do it just about anywhere, and you don't even need a Buddha statue ;-)
But what if you are of a different faith and aren't sure if meditation "is permitted"? Well- just think of meditation as quiet prayer thoughts. Actually that is just what it is. Of course, like anything there are various forms of meditation, but what really matters is for you to make time for yourself. Meditation can also help you understand your own mind. Meditate to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and focus on peaceful thoughts. We are meant to be happy, so strive for happiness. I wouldn't dream of trying to explain all aspects of meditation here, but I would like to give one or two tips. Start with the place- somewhere quiet without distractions. Sit comfortably but sit up straight. Then focus on your breathing. Really focus on it, slow, deep breaths. For now, don't over think it. Don't try too hard. Just r-e-l-a-x and be with yourself. Think about positive thoughts- what is good in your life, this world, and that for which you are thankful. Ten to fifteen minutes per day is about right. Give it a whirl. And when you are ready, you can explore the web. Here is one nifty website, although there are literally thousands more out there. But for now, just do this for yourself....

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